Through out my High School years and after I got out of the Navy I found myself living in Los Angeles, California. For the most part I don’t miss it at all. There is however one general category where LA has it all over The Woods of NE Alabama.

For Quality, Availability and Variety of food, LA is about the best there is. The best Mexican Restaurant in the world is "Gardens of Taxico" just off Santa Monica Blvd in West LA. "Canters" on Fairfax is a great Jewish Deli. The Café in the Farmers Market is the best breakfast made and Gulliver’s in the Marina does great Prime Rib. Taj India on Sunset does the best Lamb Curry and for that rare delicacy the "Chili Cheese Dog" Original Tommy’s is the place. For the best "if not most traditional" Pastrami Dip Sandwich you go to "The Jolly Jug" on Peck Road in El Monte. I could go on but let us not gild the Lilly.
Of course everyplace in the country has its specialty: Chicago has deep-dish pizza and Italian Beef Sandwiches, New York has anything from the Carnegie Deli and Italian food from Brooklyn. Pretty much everybody has heard of the Philadelphia Cheese Steak Sandwich, well I bet you didn’t know that the best Cheese Steaks "Ever" come from a little Sub Shop in Middletown, Delaware. Baltimore has Crab Cakes, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina has BBQ, San Francisco has Fish, Dallas has Steak and New Orleans has "The Court of the Two Sisters."
So, with all this wonderful food abounding throughout the land why, oh why can’t I get any decent Chinese delivered in the woods of Gadsden, Alabama?
Uncle Dave