Life with Uncle Dave

I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.

Monday, April 10, 2006


This morning I was planning to go over to my nephews house for lunch when J. Edgar decides he wanted to go too so he could play with his cousin "Cramer" (Thats cousin by adoption.) Cramer is a Crotchety old Grey Dachshund with a vicious snarl and third degree rug burns on his belly.

I did not think he would make much of a playmate. However it was a cool overcast day and Dale, my nephew has a great big back yard with a solid fence around it, I figured "Sure" what could possibly go wrong. So off we went.

While I was eating lunch, talking with Dale and playing with Jon (Dales 6 month old son) the sun came out the air warmed up and J. Edgar started burning.

Shar Peis are unusual in that they have Very light skin and they sun burn easily (Unlike Dachshunds who are dark and could not care less about the sun.)

The dogs had been playing a game we shall call "Stalk the Cats." This game consists of the dogs slinking through "Tall Grass" (Maybe 14 tall) and flopping down on their bellies until a cat wanders by at which time the dogs leap to their feet and bark like mad. This of course thoroughly annoys the cat.

Now cats are smart and soon they see whats going on and decide to turn the tables on the dogs. Now while the dogs are laying in wait for the cats a cat sneaks up on the dog from behind and pounces on him causing him to yelp loudly and Leap 3 feet in the air. A cat would not like this if it happened to them, but my dog thought it was great fun and wanted to play some more.

This is the point where it starts to get really hot in the back yard. Cramer comes up to the house, gets a drink and plops down in the shade. The cats climb the fence, walk down it to a part that is in the shade sit down facing the yard and laugh quietly at the dumb dog that is lying in the tall grass waiting for one of them to stroll by.

Everybody gets it but Edgar.

When I see that hes frying I go out and try to get him to come in but as with all dogs he manages to stay just out of my reach. After a short time (OK, Maybe not such a short time) I realize I am frying my own bald head and go back to the shade by the house.

Sometime after I have cooled down from the heat and sunshine I have a thought. I went over and started talking to Cramer. What was said was not important, but that Edgar saw me talking to another dog was important. As soon as Edgar saw us he came running over and started nuzzling my leg and trying to get my attention. This made hooking him up and taking him home much easier.

Once home I tried a small experiment. I took J. Edgar into his room closed the door and turned off the light. I swear that dogs face and head put out more lumens than his "Lassie Come Home night lite." There was something strange about the experiment though, there seemed to be another source of light in the room but try as I might I never did find it.


(Glow in the dark) Uncle Dave


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