Life with Uncle Dave

I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

J. Edgar is a little confused. He was fine when I brought him home from the animal hospital but now he keeps trying to get his nose to the place where he used to have private parts in order to inspect them. Unfortunately he is just not that limber. He, like me has more the physique of a football player than that of a dancer. You know, thick heavy bones and thick muscle that doesn’t stretch very far (I still have the bones.)

My Little Puppy weighted in at 46 pounds at the vets today. He dislocated my shoulder (It's not that hard to do on me.) when I was trying to get him into the minivan this morning. I got it popped back into place after a bit but it hurts like hell.

I suspect that now that the sedative has completely worn off, he feels pretty sore in that part of his anatomy. Right now he is hopping in circles on three legs while he tries to get his nose under his right rear leg. Under other circumstances it would be comical. Every once in a while he stops and looks up at me as if to ask, "What has happened?"

I really don’t want to tell him.

Uncle Dave

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Edgar's Lament

From the Kennel of J. Edgar Dogg:

You are not going to believe what that vicious mean cruel bastard did to me! He had my nuts cut off! Can you imagine anything so cruel. What in God’s Name would possess a seemingly sane caring person to do such a hideous thing to a poor defenseless animal? I’m suing! I’m going to take everything that man ever owned. I’m going back to all his ex-wives and take back their alimony. His great grand kids are going to be paying off his debts to me when they are old and gray. I’m going to make him suffer like the Children of Israel. I’m going to sneak into his room in the middle of the night and do to him with my teeth what he had done to me with a knife. I’m going to chew holes in all his underwear. I’m going to relieve myself in his laundry basket… the one with the clean cloths in it. I am really, really pissed.

Dat Boy gona be one hurtin’ Homo Sapiens when ah’m done wit im.

No More Mister Nice Dogg, This means war!

J. Edgar Dogg

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Puppy Part Removal

Sorry, I haven’t written in a while. I’ve been a bit under the weather and just not in the mood. I have good days and bad days and more of the later than the former in the last few weeks.

The Dogg is fine but on Wednesday he goes in to the hospital for elective surgery. I have ruminated long and hard over whether he should remain a "Stud" or be made a "Gilding" and finally, "Gilding" has won out. It was not an easy decision. The fact is, J. Edgar has almost no contact with other dogs so the chances of him finding a receptive bitch to impregnate are pretty remote. On the other hand, that may not always be true and I need to have him ready for a more mobile cosmopolitan life style. According to people I trust who should know (My wife Laurie "the Vet") he will live a longer happier life with out the parts they will be removing Wednesday morning. I know, logically it’s the best thing for him. I am certain that if he understood what was about to happen to him, he would kill me in my sleep to avoid it. Were I in the same situation I would do no less.

In any case, wish him luck and a swift recovery.

Uncle Dave