Life with Uncle Dave

I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I've moved

As I have told you I would in a previous blog entry I have moved to my own web site. You can find my blog @

Come see it!

Uncle Dave

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Tomorrow my nephew Dale is going to come over and teach me how to use the new blog on my own web site. After I have added some of this, the old blog to the new I will swap over and start using the new one exclusively. I have no idea how long that will take so I have no idea when it will be finished. Once it is done I will let you all know.

I go back to the doctors on Tuesday to get poked, prodded, forced to swallow horrible stuff and scanned by some sort of cat. They really know how to show a guy a good time down there in Birmingham. The biggest problem I have these days is breathing. It’s not that I can’t breath, it is just much more difficult than it should be. Makes for an interesting life. A close second to breathing is I am having the chest pains again. Not near as bad as they were before the trip to the hospital, but still worrisome. I am beginning to think I am going to have to die and get reincarnated to get it right. Hope not, but maybe.

J. Edgar Dogg is laying over in his crate napping. He does that a lot, but who can blame him, it is this house’s favorite recreational activity. We both like to nap whenever we get a chance. Neither of us have been doing much lately, besides a short walk every day which by the way is much less eventful since we got Dogg trained not to pull me around like a rag doll. This was accomplished via a device called a choke collar. As it only chokes him when he jerks on the leash he learned very quickly not to do that. Walks are much better now.

Well, I am thinking that Dogg has the right idea and Sunday afternoon is a good time for a nap, so bye for now.

Uncle Dave