I'm home
The people who run this blog site deserve to be boiled in oil. They have made it almost impossible for me to post to my own blog. If I could find them I would make them aware of how much they have made my life worse.
OK! Off the soap box.
I'm home and almost able to type again. I get very tired very easily and have even less patience than before, but I am back, it's really me. They re plumbed and retreaded my heart and now all I have to worry about are the other two or three ailments that are likely to kill me.
OH! I've lost 50 lbs. during this trip to the circus. I don't recomend it as a weight loss system but it is a good side effect.
Keep responding to the blog please, but as I can't trust their ability to keep their software up and running take my direct email address davidcramer@earthlink.net down so we can still communicate.
I'm going to go sleep now.
Thanks for all the good wishes,
Uncle Dave
Hi David, welcome home!
Good to see that you've at least managed to log on, finally. Just rest a lot, and do what you can.
Thank you, Ladies
Uncle Dave
You're home! Whoohoo!
No they don't exist. The help dept. exists only in your own mind.
Glad to know you are home and I've put your email in my address book- Thanks.
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