I've moved
As I have told you I would in a previous blog entry I have moved to my own web site. You can find my blog @ http://www.dncramer.com/BLOG/
Come see it!
Uncle Dave
I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.
As I have told you I would in a previous blog entry I have moved to my own web site. You can find my blog @ http://www.dncramer.com/BLOG/
Tomorrow my nephew Dale is going to come over and teach me how to use the new blog on my own web site. After I have added some of this, the old blog to the new I will swap over and start using the new one exclusively. I have no idea how long that will take so I have no idea when it will be finished. Once it is done I will let you all know.
So, I’m having a lot of trouble with my shoulders. Well shoulders and clavicles (Collar Bones) probably from trying to lift to much too soon. Well that and the Dogg likes to jerk my arms around like a rag doll when I take him for a walk. It’s been very painful, bad enough I have had to take some heavy duty pain killers just to get to sleep. The occupational therapist came today and we couldn’t really do any thing because of the shoulders. He says he’ll try again on Friday.
The people who run this blog site deserve to be boiled in oil. They have made it almost impossible for me to post to my own blog. If I could find them I would make them aware of how much they have made my life worse.
So this sweet young lady just jerked me up short and hit me upside the head with reality...She was the physical therepist who's job it is to bring reality to those of us living on the teddy bear planet. In other words, the aftermath of this event is "PAIN!" real pain. My chest is allready hurtin in anticipation.
nov. 26-06
I’m pretty sure I have had a heart attack this evening or more precisely this morning. It was after Midnight so technically it was morning.
OK! Today I have a tacky story. I’m not sure the right word is "tacky" but it’s as close as I can come without a thesaurus and that just seems to be cheating.
I talked to the guy (Tom Rosenburger) who is working with me to get through the VA Maze today and he says that he thinks that they are about to come to a conclusion about all this. He thinks I will take that to mean that I am about to get my "Service Connected" status. I don’t. I take it to mean that they will again turn me down.
Well, I really thought today was the day. My body woke me early with pain all over it and I couldn’t seem to find anything that would make it better. Everything felt pretty good when I went to bed last night but by 6:30 this morning I was in dire distress. Chest pain was at "8" and I had pain in both arms like somebody was beating my arms and hands with one of those wicked little meat hammers they use to make thin pieces of meat out of thick pieces of meat.
Veteran’s Day
Well, we got J. Edgar Dogg out of jail today. At least for a while. He has a court date between Christmas and New Years. The one ironclad rule we had to agree to in order to get J.Dogg bail was "No More Cheesy Puffs!" I just don’t know what I’m going to do about this Dogg!
Calling all Cars, Calling all Cars! Armed Robbery in Progress at the Jet Pep Connivance Store on Highway 77 West of Rainbow Drive. A short wrinkled person is making off with several bags of orange snack food! Use all Caution, He’s got teeth!