Life with Uncle Dave

I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"Bad Dogg!"

I knew something was going on when he asked for help finding more pictures of Ricky Martin. I mean, what can a wrinkled nine-month-old puppy want with Ricky Martin pictures. So last night I went to bed early then sneaked back in an hour later to see what he was up too.

There he was typing away in a chat room representing himself as a handsome young human who looked like Ricky Martin. I Yelled at him for a while then I sent him off to bed and put the following message on the chat room forum:

"This is Sargent Wilson Abernathy of Angola State Prison, Louisiana. The person you have been trying to make a date with is an inmate in our sex offender wing here at the prison. Before I caught him illegally using the computer he was to be paroled in two weeks and would have been out there among you. Oh! He is also a balding fat man in his forties and looks nothing like Ricky Martin. You people need to be more careful."

I then cancelled all of the chat room accounts he had set up and blocked the sites so he couldn’t get back to them.

I’ve ordered up a fingerprint verifier that I can use to keep him off the Internet and now hopefully all this foolishness is over with.

The much put upon Uncle Dave


At August 19, 2006 9:54 AM, Blogger Have Myelin? said...

Hahahaha! Look at his picture! He's innocent of all charges, I say! His eyes tell the truth.

Nahhh, I don't believe you! Even the flattest pancake has two sides. So what is your story, Dogg?

At August 19, 2006 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Edgar is cuter than Ricky Martin and he was probably just trying to save the best for later.


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