The Solemn Disapproving Stare
J. Dogg is behind my chair trying to make it spin around with me in it. He likes to do this but I wont let him actually make it spin as it makes me dizzy and the centrifugal force makes me bump into the computer desk and bounces the keyboard and trackball all around.
I've been working on one of his pictures to try to make it look better (You know a good "Head Shot") but all I can seem to achieve is a very stern looking dog. I never seem to get him when he is laughing or even smiling, he doesn’t mind having his picture taken, but he wants to control the attitude he portrays. I think he wants to be an actor but what he really wants is to direct.
J. Edgar wants the "Head Shot" because he says he has an agent lined up and they asked for it. Of course he hasn’t told me who the agent is, or where he/she is or to what end they are representing him. I mean, is it "Acting" or "Modeling" or voice overs (He has perfected a very empressive VERY DEEP voice since his parts developed) or maybe he wants to be a solider of fortune. I don’t know. I’m just the father, obviously the last to learn of the wondrous design of the great "J.Dogg."
Anyway, here’s the picture.
Uncle Dave
what kind of dog is it? sorry but i think he is adorable but then again, i'm an avid dog lover.
i have a daschie and a golden. weird pair, i know.
uhhhh...that came out odd.
J.Edgar is a Shar Pei also known as a Chinese Wrinkle Dog. They are a medium sized dog, 35 to 45 pounds with enough extra skin to make another puppy and they are very protective of there pet humans. They drool a lot. He is a pure bred but I have no interest in showing him. It would be like exploiting a member of the family and more work than I am willing or able to do.
He's adorable. But then again, I'm a dog lover. Nothing makes me feel better than having my dogs by my side when I'm sick. My daschie goes under the covers with me and my Golden hops on the bed and watches over things.
Do you have to watch for skin infections, etc. in the extra folds of the Shar Pei? I've heard that before but not sure how much truth there is in that.
How old is he?
Some of them do have skin problems J. Edgar doesn't seem to.
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