Life with Uncle Dave

I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Religion Alert!!!

The following is for the most part an answer I sent to my niece who sent me a prayer by e-mail.

Hi Jaime,

It's great to hear from you.

Honey, I love you very much and there is not much you could do to change that, In Fact, there is nothing you could do to change that. I would however appreciate it if you would not try to change my opinions on religious matters.

I have the luxury that few people get of knowing pretty much when I will die. When that happens I will find out about if there is or is not an "After Life." I’m not able to make a determination at this time due to total lack of evidence so I have to work from logic, the only system that has not failed me over the years.

Logic says that due to the total lack of evidence of an "After Life" that either it does not exist or that it is totally separated from the life we know on this plane of existence. I will admit that I am hoping for the totally separated, New Beginning sort of "After Life" that most religions preach. Logic says if it does exist, in all probability what we are and what we do after death will not for the most part be based on what we do in this life. I don’t mean that what kind of life you lead here won’t be reflected in what kind of life you will lead there. I’m pretty sure that an earthly jerk will be a heavenly Jerk and that while Hitler, Stalin and Attila may be forgiven there past sins, they won’t be put in charge of the heavenly day-care-center. You know, Ken Lay won't be the Treasurer, that sort of thing.

My point here is that living a good life and developing an honorable character is a lot more important than adherence to a set of beliefs that says that your way of thinking makes you better than a person with another way of thinking.

The bottom line is that in the global game of "My Imaginary Friend (Jesus, Buddha) is better than Your Imaginary Friend (Mohammed, Krishna)" I choose to not believe in Imaginary Friends. I also believe that this will not adversely affect my chances of getting into "Heaven." Should there be a "Heaven."

What this also means is that I love to hear from you and send lots of pictures of Sammi but please don’t send me prayers.

Uncle David (Sammi's Great Uncle)


At July 20, 2006 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least praying for you doesn't hurt anything or anyone. It's the religious people who are trying to take away our rights and our representative democracy that are a pain. If they want a theocracy, why can't they just move to one? -- there are plenty of them. (unfortunately most are in the middle east....)

At July 22, 2006 2:23 PM, Blogger Uncle Dave said...

It wasn't a prayer for me, It was one of those things that I was supposed to pray to show my devotion to the god of the christians. I feel absolutely no such devotion.

At July 23, 2006 8:30 AM, Blogger Have Myelin? said...

i wouldn't send my jewish father-in-law a christian prayer, nor would he send me a christian prayer. i see the point, really.

waldo emerson (i think) said, "our own mind is our own church" and i think he was a wise man. whether we have a church in our mind is up to us.

that's all, she said. hope i worded that correctly. *flinches*

At July 23, 2006 1:00 PM, Blogger Uncle Dave said...

MYELIN, You sound like you are afraid of saying the wrong thing. Don't be, this is a safe place to air your opinions and if I have made it seem otherwise I apoligise for having done so.

I do want to hear what you think and I am not as thine skined as I seem.

At July 24, 2006 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, The "god of the christians". Which one of them? There seem to be lots of versions. Not to mention lots of "persons". My theory is that the "holy ghost" as they used to call it, is the Mom in the nuclear family of the godhead. But she's just a ghost....
I kind of like the "god is love" version. But he's losing ground to the hate-filled version that's it's better to fear than love. Sad to see.


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