Life with Uncle Dave

I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Well, I put the last niece and nephew on airplanes home today. My daughter went home on Sunday and a sister and brother went home to Missouri, Saturday afternoon. It’s just J. Edgar Dogg and me now and it’s nice to be able to pad around the house in my underwear again. I think J. Edgar will miss the extra attention but I’ll try to make it up to him as best I can.

I took all three of my brother’s children out to breakfast this morning. The son who lives here and the two I shipped home hadn’t seen each other in some time. I guess the physical strain has gotten to me a little more than I realized, when I tried to get up from the table at the restaurant after breakfast I fell and was not able to get up. After wallowing around on the floor for quite a while my two strapping young nephews got on either side and lifted me to my feet. I was never so happy for help in my life, but the fact that I live alone now scares the hell out of me. That would not be a situation where J. Edgar would be of much help. Dogg slobber lends nothing positive to a fall.

I found out how to get a death certificate today. They were, like everything else associated with death very expensive. The county gets a lot to make a copy and stamp it as official.

Well so much for morbid and strange for now, I think I will go get some sleep.

Uncle Dave (Ray’s Brother)


At May 30, 2006 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there are those "panic button" things you can get for people who live alone and might need help. But you're probably less likely to push yourself as far as you did in the last few days.


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