Country Cuisine
I haven’t had any really good escargot in a coon’s age. It disappeared from the Waffle Barn a couple of menu updates back. I asked Jethro, the manager, about it and he gave me some line about getting a bad review in the "Swap and Shop" and deciding to concentrate on their "Core Competencies" for a while. I asked if that ment Possim and Coon Stew was comming back but he just looked at me like I was making him uncomfortable so I let it drop. I think losing the escargot had more to do with the customers getting creeped-out seeing snails crawling across the sidewalk outside and on the menu inside.
It probably isn’t practical to keep an item on the menu for just one customer, but I do miss it. It was such a good excuse to eat toast points dipped in garlic butter, and it went so well with the mountain oysters.
I guess I will just have to go back to biscuits and gravy for now.
Uncle Dave
You could just ask them for toast points and garlic butter. almost anything is good with garlic butter.
You are correct, but I've grown fond of the little slithery things too and they do add a lot to the flavor. Why are you up at three twenty two in the morning?
Uncle Dave
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