Life with Uncle Dave

I’m a crotchety old Man living on Social Security and my wits in a trailer in the woods of Alabama. In this Blog you are likely to find ponderings and complaints about medical treatment in America, Stories about my friends and family, Rants about the economy and lots of stuff about J. Edgar Dogg, my best friend and the dumbest animal in Alabama.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


My Last 2 years in the Navy I got a little to "comfortable" to really be in the military. I was a first class petty officer (E6) in charge of a work center that took care of aircraft simulators In San Diego. In the process of trying to find a couple of very elusive bugs in the equipment I went on mid-shift for a week. We found and fixed the little devils just after I got to work Thursday night and the following mostly unrelated conversation took place on Friday morning…

It’s 0800 and I’m sitting at my desk in the trailer we used as a work center office. I’m sucking thick brown liquid from a big mug. The Admin Chief who is my immediate superior walks in and congratulates me on fixing the bugs. I tell him I was just watching, the techs did the work. He brings up another subject.

Chief: "You know you’re currently the senior man on mid shift and I was wondering if you saw or heard anything unusual last night?"

Me: "Such as?"

Chief: "Well the fire watch from the front of the building reported that he heard what sounded like people roller skating in the back hall all night last night."

Me: "Were there any marks on the floor when you inspected it this morning, because I thought the cleanup crew did a great job of waxing and buffing this morning?"

Chief: "No No! The floor looked fine, I’m just investigating what the fire watch reported."

Me: "Yes, I understand, we are after all, a military organization and we can’t be having military people having indiscriminate fun, after midnight, around here."

Chief: "No, I guess not. Well let me know if you hear anything about it."

At this point I lean back in my chair and put my feet up on the corner of my desk. Those would be the feet with the roller skates on them.

Me: "I’ll keep my eyes open, chief."

The chief looks at the roller skates, then at me and walks out of the trailer slowly shaking his head.

I went back to my coffee and paperwork.

Uncle Dave


At May 08, 2006 2:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never heard that one before. I guess you didn't tell me all of your stories. Or maybe I just don't remember. My memory isn't too good -- I can't say it ain't what it used to be because it never was very least not since the sixties.
What kind of skates? clamp on or boots?

At May 08, 2006 11:43 AM, Blogger Uncle Dave said...

The boots were black Wellingtons that by themselves were legal footware to be worn with a Navy uniform. The skates were precision rink skates that were permenantly affixed to the boots.
Hun, I probably have a few more stories you have not heard... yet.

Uncle Dave


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